Sara Soueidan's post on what keeps her focused is a great read (even if I did miss it being posted over a month ago).
Generally I have a similar process to my day to day work, but two things that specifically stood out for me. She writes
I’ve found that I like to create standing, and consume sitting.
I've realised I have exactly the same approach I just hadn't articulated it. Now that I've got words to go with this process, I'm intentionally switching from standing to sitting depending on the type of work I'm doing.
I've got an IKEA Bekant desk with a custom hack "Megadesk" - so switching to the predefined sit/stand positions is simple for me.
The other item that jumped in Sara's post was the note on music. I love music. Since as far back as I can remember, I've intentionally listened to music more often than not listening to music (i.e. it's always there) - but a funky track can sometimes be distracting and I've used Noisli (similar to Noizio that Sara mentions) for relaxation sounds, but it's not quite "in the zone music".
Sara recommends which thus far is actually very nice. (Here's Sara's referral code link if you're thinking of signing up).
Good stuff. Worth the read 👍